
friend oh friends

i  m i s s  h e r . . .

i don't know.
yet when the air is really gone, you bitterly realize - oh.. i cant breathe !!

my mind is temporarily blank. but i see butterflies ..............


Gustav Klimt

research for 'biography' project...

Al Hirschfield

'biography' project update

'biography' project

experimental work on progress for uni's 'biography' project .


just another thursday night's thought

"that's so you - so cute, so minimal"

is it what i'm establishing a ''me''? my own version of the only me?
just a thought
anw, we can be influenced and very much inspired by the people and things around us, but what speaks loudest is the tonality echoes from our own-est, truest self.
i do believe so.
and somewhat im happy and a bit proud that at least, my friends are recognizing me as the way I am being, now.

* * *

mộc mạc & giản dị .
sesame seed .


củ ấu. 
khoai lang. 
chấm bi nhỏ. 
thị thơm. 

mênh mang ................